
Lu Qing varnishes the instruments as traditional or antique finish, they both look very nice, please view the photos from the "finished" page.

You can choose what you like, or even you can tell us what colour and finish do you like by sending us photos, then Lu Qing will do that.

However, we may not be able to varnish the colour and finish exactly as the photos show, because every luthier has his own recipe for the varnish, there is no one can copy it exactly, in this case, we may tell you that Lu Qing can do the similar or very close to the photos.

The varnish does affect the sound quality, our varnish materials is imported from France, and we made it, the varnish is the best for sound after many times tests.

However, either you choose the traditional or antique look varnish, the sound won't change, to choose either one is only according to your personal preference.

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