Bosnian woods 4A grade

Lu Qing has selected 500 sets of 4A grade Bosnian woods from 4000 sets, the woods he selected are with very good bouncing, and have steel sound every raw piece, over 30 years old. The other Bosnian woods of the 4000 sets after our selection were sold at the international musical instruments show in Beijing 2007 by the wood dealer, the buyers like the woods very very much. The woods Lu Qing selected are the best of the best.

Price to make with this woods for a
violin is US$3300,
viola is US$3600,
cello is US$8500
(include shipping, insurance, professional case, exclude bow)

Above price is for retail individual purchase. Whole sale price, and price for instruments in the white for luthiers are different from above.

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