Notice More notices Reference and photos of No.588 violin Date: 12/30/2022, Read: 753 times
Added reference and photos of No.588 violin by our customer Cameron Fruit from Platteville of the US This is an excellent reference and photos, We can't do the business without our customers help and support, Cameron is one of them, and loves the violin very much. Please read the reference here or at the reference page: https://chineseviolins.com/Reference.asp Thanks so much to Cameron! I ordered a violin from ChineseViolins.com on August 14, 2022, and received it yesterday, December 28. After admiring it visually and playing it for one day, I am absolutely thrilled to have this instrument. Visually it looks stunning. The photos don't capture the richness of the finish. The Chinese tone wood was an excellent choice. The violin is tight and structurally strong, while remaining lightweight. The neck and fingerboard are straight and the scroll is finely carved. The pegs fit perfectly; they turn smoothly and do not slip. After one day of playing on the instrument, I notice the violin has great power and responds well across the instrument. I'm enjoying exploring the range of colors it can produce. It can be played very strongly without sounding harsh or overplayed. Especially in the higher range it sounds very clear and pure. There is a silky quality that I love in the tone. I'm able to play with a lot more variety of sound on this violin than anything I've had before. Mr. Dongsheng Bai was helpful and communicative throughout the ordering and making process. Through the photos he sent every couple of weeks, I got to see the whole process of building the violin from the selection of the wood to the final product. I've found ChineseViolins.com an excellent business to work with, and Master Lu Qing's craftsmanship is superb. They have satisfied all the requirements I had for the instrument and it is perfect for me. Many thanks to Dongsheng Bai and Lu Qing for providing me with this violin! Cameron Fruit |
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