Mandolins in the white and kit only. F and A model. Full hand made by our individual maker himself from the beginning to the end with hand tools only, at normal craftsmanship quality, not as top as our violins, need your more detailed work after our maker's work. Worth to order as 1. your lighter work will be involved; 2. price is low; 3. full hand made with no machine; 4. Chinese maple and spruce and thinking of change to European maple and spruce; 5. there is no other maker in whole China can make them at this price range (you can try to find one by looking at internet or come to China, and to tell me when you find one if you like). Click here to see more details, -- is the one you always trust with.

The young lady violinist is Vadim's daughter who ordered the No.278 violin in 2007. Vadim's daughter is playing the No.278 violin on a concert.

The sound is so beautiful. Our violins are better and better after playing and playing when the sound is being developed.

In today's market, there are more options of buying Chinese made violins than 15 years ago, BUT BUT BUT please note, the options have never been changed around 15 years ago if you want to buy high quality soloist violins, the only option became more is this: you can see more and more lower quality violins with BIG / TOP Chinese luthier name brand, the BIG / TOP Chinese luthiers in China and USA, the violins with their names more and more are in the market especially in the US, Europe and Australia plus more and more Chinese junk violins are showing up online sale.

One luthier can only make 20 violins per year, Our Lu Qing can make 30 because he works very hard, please do not make your day dream that you can get the BIG / TOP Chinese luthier's violins with very low price like $1000, $1500 or $800, this is impossible in this world, all these violins with their names are made in FACTORIES in China.

And their "professional" violins are not special made for you, their "professional" violins are selected from mass products (1000 violins per month) for you, the better sound ones will be their "professional" violins.

The most and most and most important thing is not the money, it is the sound!!!, the selected violins sound is not too bad at beginning when you purchase, but will become worse and worse and the good sound will never come back.

However our violins sound will be better and better like the USA luthiers and European luthiers violins and never become worse, you know why? and you spend $1000 on their factories violins for what?

Suggest you not to trust these luthiers and their factories violins, there are many and many tricks in the industry in China, so becareful.

Please download the video for No.278-2021 violin (Right click to save link/target as ... mp4 format, 28.5MB) or play it online by left click.


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