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No.502 violin reference by Marco of Italy

发布日期: 7/1/2017, 阅读: 2400 次

  No.502 violin reference by Marco of Italy
   The violin is really done very well.
   In a perfect packaging is quickly arrived at my home the violin shipped by Mr. Dong. The very accurate packing immediately gave me the impression of professionalism and experience of Mr. Dong's firm. The white violin appears very well done, also taken care of in details and respectful of the indications that I gave during its realization. Now I just have to do with wood preparation and varnishing. However, the starting point seems to me great, so I expect, at work, an excellent result. Many Thanks to Mr. Dong for the quickly assistance and presence during all this time.
   Added by Marco on Feb 5, 2018:
   Before this last varnished, I have tested the sound in the laboratory of a old luthier in Cagliari,…. He was a violinist and has also study luthiery with Sgarabotto in Cremona. We have played violin and the sound is very very good and deep …
   The luthier has tested and sound the violin fitted and varnished (without last transparent layer on the table) and he has told me that it sound very well and after 1 year, if I play well and intonate, it still improves….

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