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Reference from No.456 cello customer

发布日期: 10/30/2015, 阅读: 3295 次

  Hi bai.
   Received cello safely now. Thanks for packing it so well.
   I've been working the last few days so didn't get a chance to play it properly until today.
   The cello is wonderful. It was a very beautiful tone already and I can see that it has great potential to get even better as the sound opens up over the coming months. It has nice balance across the strings, and it is very responsive. I am very happy to purchase it and will definitely enjoy playing it for years to come.
   A few bits of constructive feedback - i think the bridge is slightly too high and needs more curvature. The strings could be lowered to the fingerboard about 2mm closer. Out of all the cellos I have played, this one has the highest distance between the strings and the fingerboard and means it is more work to press the strings down, and also harder to play in higher positions (like thumb position). Also the nut at the top of the fingerboard is quite high and could be lowered about 1mm. This would make it more comfortable to play.
   Lastly, the curvature of the bridge is quite flat - if I play in fourth position, I need to play the bow very close to the bridge otherwise it will touch two strings. I am learning already to adjust my playing to accoutn for this, however sometime over the coming months I will probably ask a luthier to shave the bridge to make it thinner, and remove some height and also pronounce the curvature.
   I'm very happy with this cello on my initial playing today. It was very easy and responsive and just beautiful. The worksmanship on the instrument is excellent and the antique red varnish is gorgeous.
   I will write you a proper review in a few months time once I've played the cello some more :)
   Thank you for making me such a beautiful instrument! :)
   I do this on purpose:
   The bridge is bit high: the height will change in different weather, the fingerboards height change, also the strings changes, all affect the height, we have the bridge a bit higher, then after half year or one year, then you can ask a luthier to adjust, but if I make the bridge at exact height now, then you will change a new bridge.
   The nut: yes it is higher, because after half year or one year, the strings will make the slot deeper, then you dont need to adjust it and dont need to change a new nut.
   The curvature of the bridge: as this is a new cello, so if you most play a old cello, the curvature is different, again, to adjust it after half year or one year
   Suggest, adjust it after half year and then adjust again after one year, as the cello has 4 seasons passed, and you played, then you adjust it will be at the best position.
   May I use your email as a reference with my answers and put it on my website?
   Please let me know, thanks
   No worries bai. That is fine.
   Thank you for explaining the information about the bridge and the nut. It is interesting and makes sense given it is a new instrument and the wood is moving and settling down as the seasons pass.
   Cello is going well. It's sounding beautiful :)

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