公告 更多公告 No.448 violin reference 发布日期: 8/6/2015, 阅读: 3021 次
I had a quick chance to play and look at the violin. Wow, great it plays better than Jay Haide violins that I carry. I am not the greatest player but I will have one of my staff play it tomorrow. Great violin, were in business. I just need the 7k bow to sample then I will put together a package and sell many. I know it will sound better and better as it ages a little. Regards, added on 26th August 2015: I love the bow! I have a $15,000. Bow and your bow plays better. The sound is warm and wonderful. The violin and bow are at the …… …… I just wanted to let you know that we love your violin and bow. |
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