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Updated reference from Mr Macfarlane

发布日期: 9/16/2010, 阅读: 3973 次

  Updated reference from Mr Macfarlane about No.303 violin
   Good day, Mr. Bai.
   I hope you are well. I am still enjoying the violin you made for me very much, and that is why I am writing. Within the past few weeks it has suddenly got quite a lot better - the sound has become fuller and more open. It was always good but it seems that, through the process of time and frequent playing, it has risen to a different level. As you know, I wrote about the violin when I got it, and you have that as feedback on your website. If you would like to add to that, that would be fine.
   An update (September 2010): I have now had this violin for two years and four months. It was good when it arrived, but in the past two or three months it has quite suddenly improved - the sound is fuller, more resonant and more distinctive - it is really quite remarkable. I was pleased with the violin before ; now I am excited by it!
   I hope all is well with you and your family in Beijing.
   Alastair Macfarlane
   (Please read more reference from Mr Macfarlane by read more notice and reference page)

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