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Antique violins and award

发布日期: 6/8/2010, 阅读: 3847 次

  I sometimes receive questions, to ask me, how to compare your violins to antique violins.My answer to these questions are, of course my violins are much much better than most of antique violins, unless the antique violins were made by top violin makers.
   Many antique violins are at good only the wood, as the woods are very dry, some makers use the woods to re-make new violins, they don't use the violins for sell, they open it and use the top and back -- and the spruce and mpale has to be good, for making a new violin, then the anqique violins valuse is only the woods value, not a violin.
   So my violins are not compareable to the antiuqe violins, my violins are much and much better.
   And also, someone asks, what award have you got? I answered, none of them as I think my real award are from my customers. As I understand, many organisation like to issue award especially to Chinese makers, any maker can receive a award or certificate, then the maker show off the award to people, I have award from XXX. everyone is happy as the organisations have received money, and the maker have something to show off.
   But me, I only need my customers reference, that is my award.

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