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Bow selection 2007

发布日期: 4/19/2007, 阅读: 3720 次

  I will go to the maker around end of the May, so please let me know if you want to order one asap.
   The procedure is:
   1, I pre-selecet some nice top quality Brazilian Pernambuco woods and quality Brazilian woods which have good bouncing from the bow maker.
   2, then, he makes the bows for my customers.
   3, he tells me when the bows are done.
   4, I go to him (not in same city), to do selection again among the bows he made for me.
   5, finally, I pick up the best ones only.
   6, I pre-select more woods for next time ...
   Additional info:
   After the above was posted, I received some emails from people, asked me is the difference between the siver fittings and gold fittings only the cost of the silver and gold, it is not, the difference is not only the silver and gold, the sticks is a bit different, the maker always uses gold fittings on the better sticks, silver on the other sticks, as everyone knows, we don't really care the fittings value, we care the sticks bouncing, but the maker always makes his top quality bows with gold fittings, that shows not only the bouncing, but also the beauty, however, it doesn't mean the sticks with silver fittings are not good, they actually are very good too, there is only slightly difference.

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