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发布日期: 11/19/2006, 阅读: 3809 次

  You don't need to hear my violin before you make a decision, every single violin I made is superb quality, it is much better to buy my violins via my website directly from me than to buy a same quality range violin from a violin store.
   The reason is very simple, I make a violin for you, not for someone else, and there is no one to take this one away before you, it is very good in sound and it's beauty, but if you buy a violin from a store, you wouldn't know how many people already played on it, and people may already picked the better one before you, which means, the one you are going to buy may be the first quality one, but may be the second, or third quality one, but you buy a violin from me, it is the first quality one.
   However, I can't make everyone beleive me, so, a video has been taken last weekend, which is an Australian violinist palyed the No.250 and 251 violins, that will show my violins quality, you can compare them with the ones you bought from store.
   The camera person is a student in media from University of Technology Sydney, she is going to have an exam for her study, after she finsihed the exam, she will edit the video, then I will upload the video on my website, it should be ready by the end of Nov. 2006
   If you would like to hear it, then please wait, but it is not necessary.

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