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Reference from Martin of Switzerland (no.558)

发布日期: 1/22/2020, 阅读: 1714 次

  Dear Dong
   today I received your package. Everything seems to be fine. The violin looks really great (there are only some very tiny scatches at the left f-holes, but you only can recognize it in oblique light which doesn't bother me) and the first impression of the sound is very impressive. Already in the "new" state, it is very powerful. I have to test it as well from a distance, because the impression of the sound directly at the ears can be different than from a distance. I'm looking forward how it will develop after hours of playing. Thank you so much for the wonderful piece of craftsmanship and give Lu Qing my thanks and express my admiration for his work.
   The bow looks very promising, too, but I had no opportunity to test it right now, I will try it out in the evening. The case seems to be well made as well.
   So thank you for all your help in the process and your reliability. I can fully recommend you and your workshop.
   Best regards
   Dong write here:
   So, only purchase the instruments from ChineseViolins.com if you want Chinese made instruments, not from other Chinese, because only ours are higher quality and lower price. Not to purchase from Chinese in other countries or inside China, please remember, only from ChineseViolins.com, this is the only option if you want higher quality and lower priced, no one can do better than us.

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