Chinese Hand Made Violins >> Visiting Beijing >> Yuan Ming Yuan Park

Yuan Ming Yuan Park

Date added on: 3/1/2006    Viewed 5184 Times
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     Yuan Ming Yuan Park
   Yuan Ming Yuan, before its destruction, was referred to as the "Garden of Gardens", since it was a combination of gardens of different styles, Chinese and Western.
   Yuan Ming Yuan consisted of three gardens. Yuan Ming Yuan (Garden of Perfect Splendour), Chang Chun Yuan (Garden of Eternal Spring) and Qi Chun Yuan (Garden of Gorgeous Spring). They covered 350 hectares.
   The best-known Western structures were a fountain, a maze and European palaces, all of a Renaissance style. In a small lake was built a model of Venice.
   The emperor's apartments were adorned with art treasures of an astonishing richness. The garden was beautified by millions of exotic flowers and trees.
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