软件更新,以及数据更新 |
软件更新日期 | 软件更新内容 | 数据更新日期 | 数据更新内容 |
12/6/1995 |
Start on internet sale our instruments, use name chineseviolins under a free domain name, simply designed website. |
3/12/1996 |
fix some bugs of the program. |
1/8/2004 |
Own my domain name, and the website was redesigned with many features. |
7/22/2004 |
fix some bugs of the program also add more links. |
12/8/2005 |
New designed website with more features and links. |
12/8/2005 |
Uploaded... |
12/8/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
12/9/2005 |
No.255, 257 new photos uploaded. |
12/13/2005 |
Modification - To add country name to bow order customers list. |
12/9/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
12/13/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
12/14/2005 |
Reference of No.223 violin and a photo are uploaded. |
12/13/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
12/19/2005 |
New photos of no.253, 254 violins uploaded |
12/20/2005 |
Fix bug: when no logo uploaded in hot link page. |
12/19/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
12/20/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
12/21/2005 |
New student viola case added. |
12/20/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
12/23/2005 |
No. 255,253,254 photots updated, status of No.253,254 were changed from making to varnishing |
12/24/2005 |
The notice display added. |
12/23/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
12/24/2005 |
Bottom bar added. |
12/23/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
12/24/2005 |
Modified notice display, to display date and reading times. |
12/23/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
12/25/2005 |
Free Ad. forum was added, but still under test. |
12/23/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
12/25/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
12/25/2005 |
Photos of No.256,258 uploaded. No.258 status was changed from starting to making. |
12/31/2005 |
Place an order link is added |
12/25/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
12/31/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
1/1/2006 |
No.257, 258 photos uploaded. |
12/31/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
1/11/2006 |
Photos of Number 252 and 255 uploaded, and changed status of no.252 from varnishing to finished. |
12/31/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
1/11/2006 |
Photos of Number 257 uploaded |
12/31/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
1/20/2006 |
Photos of Number 257 uploaded and status changed from making to varnishing |
12/31/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
1/21/2006 |
Photos of Number 255 uploaded |
12/31/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
1/23/2006 |
Reference for No.243 violin added. |
12/31/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
1/24/2006 |
Photos of Number 255 uploaded and status changed from making to varnishing |
12/31/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
1/25/2006 |
Reference and photos for No.235 violin added. |
12/31/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
1/28/2006 |
Photos of Number 258 uploaded |
12/31/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
2/5/2006 |
Photos of Number 253 uploaded and status changed from varnishing to finished. |
12/31/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
2/13/2006 |
Photos of Number 260, 261 uploaded and status changed from starting to making |
12/31/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
2/17/2006 |
Photos of Number 254, 257 uploaded and status changed from varnishing to finished |
12/31/2005 |
NoNewRecord |
2/27/2006 |
Photos of Number 260, 261 uploaded. |
3/2/2006 |
Fix bugs of adding bow order only. |
2/27/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
3/4/2006 |
Visiting Beijing section was added. |
2/27/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
3/4/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
3/6/2006 |
Photos of Number 255 uploaded. |
3/4/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
3/10/2006 |
Reference of No.247 violin was added. |
3/4/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
3/11/2006 |
Additional messsage added from No.247 violin customer's reference. |
3/12/2006 |
Special requirements section was added. |
3/11/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
3/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
3/13/2006 |
Photos of Number 260, 262, 263 uploaded and status of no.262, 263 hanged from starting to making. |
3/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
3/15/2006 |
Photos of Number 255 uploaded and status changed from varnishing to finished. |
3/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
3/16/2006 |
Photos of Number 256 uploaded and status changed from varnishing to finished. |
3/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
3/21/2006 |
Photos of Number 262,263,264,265,268,261,262 uploaded and status of 268 changed from starting to making, status of 260,261 changed from varnishing to finished. |
3/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
3/24/2006 |
Photos of Number 265 uploaded and status changed from making to varnishing. |
3/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
3/26/2006 |
Photos of Number 268 uploaded. |
3/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
3/30/2006 |
Reference and photos of No.242 violin was uploaded. |
3/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
4/5/2006 |
Photos of Number 264 and 268 uploaded. |
3/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
4/16/2006 |
Photos of bow no. 264, 265, 268, 270 uploaded. |
3/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
4/20/2006 |
Photos of Number 263, 264, 268 uploaded and status of no. 268 changed from making to varnishing. |
4/25/2006 |
Website recovery after hacking. |
4/20/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
4/25/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
4/28/2006 |
Reference of No.253 violin was added. |
4/25/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
5/7/2006 |
Photos of Number 263, 264 were uploaded and status were changed from making to varnishing. |
4/25/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
5/12/2006 |
Photos of Number 266 were uploaded and status was changed from starting to making. |
4/25/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
5/17/2006 |
Photos of Number 266 were uploaded. |
4/25/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
5/20/2006 |
Photos of Number 265 were uploaded and status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
4/25/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
6/2/2006 |
Photos of Number 262 were uploaded. |
4/25/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
6/7/2006 |
Photos of Number 266 were updated. |
4/25/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
6/8/2006 |
Bow case photos were added to the bow section. |
4/25/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
6/8/2006 |
Photos of Number 267 were updated and status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
4/25/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
6/12/2006 |
Photos of Number 270 were uploaded and status was changed from starting to making. |
6/12/2006 |
Bosnian woods page added. |
6/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
6/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
6/19/2006 |
Photos of Number 264 were updated and status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
6/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
6/20/2006 |
Photos of Number 268 were updated and status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
6/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
6/23/2006 |
Photos of Number 262 were updated with double inlaid purfling and carve. |
6/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
6/28/2006 |
Photos of Number 262 were updated and status was changed from making to varnishing. |
6/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
7/1/2006 |
Photos of Number 266 were updated. |
6/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
7/4/2006 |
No.258 order has been listed on the black list: |
6/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
7/5/2006 |
For sale violin No.276 added, that was made of Yugoslavian woods 15 yrs old. |
6/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
7/6/2006 |
Reference and photos of No.265 cello were added. |
6/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
7/7/2006 |
Photos of Number 263 were updated |
6/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
7/9/2006 |
Photos of Number 266 were updated and status was changed from making to varnishing. |
6/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
7/10/2006 |
Bow photos added, no.B001, B002, B003, 266, 273, 274, 275. |
6/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
7/13/2006 |
Photos of Number 270 were updated, dragon scroll head. |
6/12/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
7/16/2006 |
Photos of Number 270 were updated. |
7/18/2006 |
Intermediate Wholesale and New Tartini rosin pages added. |
7/16/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
7/18/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
7/24/2006 |
Photos of Number 263 were updated and status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
7/18/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
8/2/2006 |
Photos of Number 270 were updated. |
8/2/2006 |
Links page was modified, welcome good websites (PR >= 4) to exchange links. |
8/2/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
8/2/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
8/3/2006 |
Reference of No.263 violin was added. |
8/2/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
8/8/2006 |
Photos of Number 270 were updated and status was changed from making to varnishing. |
8/2/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
8/11/2006 |
Photos of Number 262 were updated. |
8/2/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
8/14/2006 |
Reference of No.264 violin was added. |
8/2/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
8/18/2006 |
Photos of Number 266 were updated. |
8/2/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
8/25/2006 |
Photos of Number 271, 272 were updated and status was changed from starting to making. |
8/2/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
9/7/2006 |
Photos of Number 270 were updated and status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
8/2/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
9/7/2006 |
Photos of Number 271, 272 were updated. |
8/2/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
9/8/2006 |
Reference of No.268 violin was added. |
8/2/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
9/17/2006 |
Photos of Number 271, 272 were updated. |
8/2/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
9/18/2006 |
Photos of Number 274 was uploaded and status was changed from starting to making. |
8/2/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
9/19/2006 |
Photos of Number 271, 272 were updated. |
8/2/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
10/2/2006 |
Photos of Number 271, 272, 274 were updated. |
8/2/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
10/12/2006 |
Photos of Number 271, 272, 270 were updated. |
8/2/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
10/13/2006 |
Photos of Number 273 were updated. |
8/2/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
10/14/2006 |
Photos of Number 274 were updated. Photos of Number 275 were uploaded and the status has been changed from starting to making. |
8/2/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
10/16/2006 |
Photos of Number 271, 272 were updated. and the status has been changed from making to varnishing. |
10/17/2006 |
Created new page: any used music related items for sale or wanted |
10/16/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
10/17/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
10/25/2006 |
Reference and reference photos of No.267 violin were added. |
10/17/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
10/28/2006 |
bows for 277, and 278 violin order were uploaded, more bow photos coming. |
11/4/2006 |
New student violin case added, please go to cases page to see. |
10/28/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
11/4/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
11/5/2006 |
Photos of Number 274 were updated. |
11/4/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
11/9/2006 |
Photos of Number 275 were updated. Photos of Number 277 were uploaded and the status has been changed from starting to making. |
11/4/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
11/15/2006 |
Photos of Number 266 viola were updated.and the status has been changed from varnishing to finished.(with no chin rest fitted on as requested) |
11/4/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
11/16/2006 |
Photos of Number 274 were updated. |
11/4/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
11/18/2006 |
Photos of Number 274 and 275 were updated. The status have been changed from making to varnishing. |
11/4/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
11/20/2006 |
Reference of No.263 violin was updated (after 3 months playing).a photo was added. |
11/4/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
11/20/2006 |
Photos of Number 278 were updated. The status has been changed from starting to making. |
11/4/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
11/22/2006 |
Photos of Number 277 were updated. |
11/4/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
11/28/2006 |
Photos of Number 271 were updated. To show the red color required by the customer. |
11/30/2006 |
Video Download page was created. |
11/28/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
12/2/2006 |
Photos of Number 279 were uploaded. The status has been changed from starting to making. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
12/7/2006 |
Photos of Number 273 were updated. The status has been changed from varnishing to finished. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
12/10/2006 |
Photos of Number 277, 278, 279 were updated. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
12/19/2006 |
Photos of Number 277 were updated. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
12/24/2006 |
Photos of Number 271 were updated. The status has been changed from varnishing to finished (this varnish is a bit red, this is the customer's requirment. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
12/31/2006 |
Photos of Number 272, 275, 277 were updated. The status of no.272 and 275 have been changed from varnishing to finished, the status of no.277 has been changed from making to varnishing. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
1/6/2007 |
Photos of Number 278, 279 were updated. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
1/10/2007 |
Photos of Number 278 were updated. Photos of no.280 were uploaded and the status of no.280 has been changed from starting to making. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
1/20/2007 |
Photos of Number 278 were updated. and the status has been changed from making to varnishing. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
1/25/2007 |
Photos of Number 280 were updated. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
1/26/2007 |
Photos of Number 274 were updated. and the status has been changed from varnishing to finished. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
2/2/2007 |
Photos of Number 279 were updated (dragon head). Photos of no.282 were uploaded and the status of no.282 has been changed from starting to making. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
2/6/2007 |
Reference and photos of No 273 were added. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
2/8/2007 |
Photos of Number 283 were added. and the status has been changed from starting to making. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
2/13/2007 |
Photos of Number 277 were updated. and the status has been changed from varnishing to finished. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
2/12/2007 |
Photos of Number 279 were updated. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
2/20/2007 |
Reference of No 275 was added. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
2/22/2007 |
Photos of Number 278 were updated. and the status has been changed from varnishing to finished. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
2/24/2007 |
One photo of Number 280 was updated |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
2/26/2007 |
Photos of Number 279 were updated. and the status has been changed from making to varnishing. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
3/10/2007 |
Photos of Number 283 were added. and the status has been changed from starting to making. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
3/10/2007 |
Photos of Number 280, 282 and 283 were updated. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
3/22/2007 |
Photos of Number 280, 282 and 283 were updated. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
3/25/2007 |
Photos of Number 282 were updated. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
3/25/2007 |
Photos of Number 280 were updated. and the status has been changed from making to varnishing. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
3/29/2007 |
Photos of Number 282 and 284 were updated. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
4/5/2007 |
Photos of Number 282 and 284 were updated. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
4/8/2007 |
Photos of Number 282 and 283 were updated. and the status have been changed from making to varnishing. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
4/19/2007 |
Reference of No 274 was added. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
4/20/2007 |
Photos of Number 279 and 284 were updated. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
4/20/2007 |
Photos of Number 289 and 290 were uploaded. and the status have been changed from starting to making. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
4/21/2007 |
Photos of Number 284 were updated. and the status have been changed from making to varnishing. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
4/25/2007 |
Photos of Number 279 were updated. and the status has been changed from varnishing to finished. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
4/28/2007 |
Photos of Number 280 were updated. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
5/11/2007 |
Photos of Number 280, 282, 283, 289, 290 were updated. and the status of no.280, 282, 283 have been changed from varnishing to finished. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
5/13/2007 |
Photos of Number 286, 287 and 288 were uploaded. and the status have been changed from starting to making. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
5/23/2007 |
Photos of Number 286, 287, 288, 289, and 290 were uploaded. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
5/25/2007 |
Photos of Number 291, and 292 were uploaded. and the status have been changed from starting to making. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
6/1/2007 |
Photos of Number 291,292 were updated. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
6/9/2007 |
Photos of Number 286, 288, 289, 290 and 284 were updated. and the status of no.284 have been changed from varnishing to finished. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
6/12/2007 |
Photos of Number 289, and 290 were uploaded. and the status have been changed from making to varnishing. |
11/30/2006 |
NoNewRecord |
6/23/2007 |
Photo of Number 291 was updated. |
6/23/2007 |
Bosnian Woods 4A page was added. |
6/23/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
6/23/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
6/26/2007 |
Photos of Number 291 were updated. |
6/23/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
6/29/2007 |
Photos of Number 293, and 294 were uploaded. and the status have been changed from starting to making. |
6/23/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
6/30/2007 |
Photos of Number 291 were uploaded. and the status have been changed from making to varnishing. |
6/23/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
7/11/2007 |
Photos of Number 286, 287, 288 were updated. |
6/23/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
7/15/2007 |
Photos of Number 292 and 293 were updated |
6/23/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
7/31/2007 |
Photos of Number 286, 287, and 288 were updated. and the status have been changed from making to varnishing. |
6/23/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
8/7/2007 |
Photos of Number 290, 292 and 293 were updated. and the status of 290 has been changed from varnishing to finished. |
6/23/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
8/14/2007 |
Photos of Number 292 were updated. and the status have been changed from making to varnishing. |
8/18/2007 |
Bosnian woods 4A grade page is added. |
8/14/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
8/19/2007 |
Reference of No.283 was added. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
8/21/2007 |
Photos of Number 294 were updated. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
9/1/2007 |
Reference of No.282 violin is added. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
9/9/2007 |
Photos of no.295 and 296 uploaded, and the status were changed from starting to making. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
9/11/2007 |
Photos of Number 291 and 294 were updated. and the status of no.291 was changed from varnishing to finished. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
9/11/2007 |
Reference of No.290 was added. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
9/24/2007 |
Photos of Number 289 and 292 were updated. and the status were changed from varnishing to finished. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
9/27/2007 |
Photos of Number 293, 294, and 295 were updated. and the status of no.293 was changed from making to varnishing. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
9/30/2007 |
Photos of Number 294 were updated. and the status have been changed from making to varnishing. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
10/20/2007 |
Photos of Number 296 were updated. Photos of No.297 were uploaded and the status of no.297 was changed from starting to making. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
10/22/2007 |
Photo of No.298 was uploaded and the status was changed from starting to making |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
10/25/2007 |
Photo of No.295 were updated. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
10/25/2007 |
Photo of No.286 was updated and the status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
10/28/2007 |
Photos of No.287 and 288 were updated and the status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
10/31/2007 |
Photos of No.295, 296 and 298 were updated and the status of no.295 was changed from making to varnishing. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
11/1/2007 |
Photos of No.293,296 and 297 were updated and the status of no.293 was changed from varnishing to finsihed,status of no.296 was changed from making to varnishing. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
11/11/2007 |
Photo of No.299 was uploaded and the status was changed from starting to making. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
11/18/2007 |
Photos of No.294 were updated and the status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
11/25/2007 |
Photo of No.300 was uploaded and the status was changed from starting to making. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
11/28/2007 |
Photos of No.297 and No.298 were updated |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
12/3/2007 |
Photo of No.301 was uploaded and the status was changed from starting to making. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
12/3/2007 |
Photos of No.295 were updated and the status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
12/4/2007 |
Photos of No.296 were updated and the status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
12/5/2007 |
Photos of No.297, 298 were updated and the status was changed from making to varnishing. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
12/17/2007 |
Photos of No.297 and no. 299 were updated and the status of no. 297 was changed from varnishing to finished. |
8/18/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
12/19/2007 |
Photos of No.300 were updated. |
1/1/2008 |
Price in English pages have been changed to Chinese RMB, as the US$ is too weak today. |
12/19/2007 |
NoNewRecord |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
1/2/2008 |
Photos of No.299, 300 were updated and the status was changed from making to varnishing. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
1/2/2008 |
Reference of No.294 was added. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
1/14/2008 |
Photos of No.298, 301 were updated and the status of no.298 was changed from varnishing to finished. Photo of no.302 was uploaded and status was changed from starting to making. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
1/21/2008 |
Photos of No.299 were updated and the status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
1/25/2008 |
Photos of No.300 were updated and the status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
1/29/2008 |
Photos of No.301 and 302 were updated |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
2/1/2008 |
Photos of No.301, 302 were updated and the status of no.301 was changed from making to varnishing. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
2/5/2008 |
Reference of No.280 was added - after 9 months playing. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
2/13/2008 |
Photos of No.302 were updated and the status was changed from making to varnishing |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
2/19/2008 |
Photo of No.304 was uploaded and status was changed from starting to making. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
2/26/2008 |
Photo of No.305 was uploaded, status changed from starting to making. Photos of no.301 were updated, and status changed to of no. 303 were updated |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
3/11/2008 |
Photos of No.303 and 304 were updated |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
3/18/2008 |
Photos of No.302 were updated and the status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
3/19/2008 |
Photos of No.303 were updated and the status was changed from making to varnishing. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
3/28/2008 |
Photos of No.304 were updated. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
4/3/2008 |
Photo of No.306 was uploaded and status was changed from starting to making. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
4/5/2008 |
Photos of No.304 were updated and the status was changed from making to varnishing. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
4/17/2008 |
Photos of No.305 were updated. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
4/28/2008 |
Photo of No.304 were updated, photo of no.307 was uploaded and status was changed from starting to making. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
4/29/2008 |
Photos of No.305 were updated. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
5/4/2008 |
Photos of No.303 and 305 were updated, status of no.303 was changed from varnishing to finished, and no.305 changed from making to varnish. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
5/12/2008 |
Photo of no.308 was uploaded and status was changed from starting to making. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
5/13/2008 |
Photos of No.305 were updated. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
5/23/2008 |
Photos of No.307 and 308 were updated. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
6/3/2008 |
Photo of No.304 were updated, and status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
6/4/2008 |
Reference of No.303 and photos were added - This is the 2nd reference from Mr Macfarlane, the first one was written before order the violin after he was in Beijing. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
6/4/2008 |
Photos of No.307 and 308 were updated. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
6/8/2008 |
Photos of No.307 were updated, status was changed from making to varnish. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
6/9/2008 |
Photos of No.308 were updated, status was changed from making to varnishing. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
6/25/2008 |
Photos of No.306 were updated. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
6/30/2008 |
Photo of no.309 were uploaded and status was changed from starting to making. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
7/25/2008 |
Photos of No.306 were updated. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
7/30/2008 |
Photos of No.308 were updated and status was changed from varnishing to finished.. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
8/3/2008 |
Photos of No.307 were updated and status was changed from varnishing to finished.. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
8/11/2008 |
Photos of No.306 were updated, status was changed from making to varnishing. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
8/13/2008 |
Photos of No.309 were updated. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
8/20/2008 |
Photos of No.309 were updated. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
8/25/2008 |
Reference of No. 304 was added. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
8/27/2008 |
Photos of No.305 were updated and status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
9/1/2008 |
Photos of No.309 were updated, status was changed from making to varnishing. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
9/3/2008 |
No.303 paper reference added |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
9/4/2008 |
No.307 paper reference added. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
9/11/2008 |
Photo of no.312 was uploaded and status was changed from starting to making. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
9/25/2008 |
Photos of No.312 were updated. |
1/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
10/1/2008 |
Reference of No.277 was added. |
10/3/2008 |
A link to a separate business was added: |
10/1/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
10/3/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
10/8/2008 |
Photos of no.310, 311 were uploaded and status was changed from starting to making. |
10/3/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
10/10/2008 |
Photos of No.306, 309 were updated and status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
10/3/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
10/17/2008 |
Photos of No.312 were updated. |
10/3/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
10/22/2008 |
Photos of No.312 were updated, status was changed from making to varnishing. |
10/3/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
10/22/2008 |
Reference of No.309 was added. |
10/3/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
10/24/2008 |
Photos of No.310, 311 were updated. |
10/3/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
11/3/2008 |
Reference of No.305 was added. |
10/3/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
11/10/2008 |
Photos of No.310, 311 were updated. |
10/3/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
11/18/2008 |
Photos of No.310, 311 were updated, status were changed from making to varnishing. |
10/3/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
11/26/2008 |
Photos of No.312 were updated and status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
10/3/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
11/27/2008 |
Photos of no.313 were uploaded and status was changed from starting to making. |
1/5/2009 |
Almost finished whole site transfering from old server to the new server, because of the web hosting company doesn't do good job so caused many problems, nearly done but. |
11/27/2008 |
NoNewRecord |
1/5/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
1/7/2009 |
No.313 photos updated. |
1/5/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
1/7/2009 |
Photos of no.314 were uploaded and status was changed from starting to making. |
1/5/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
1/8/2009 |
No.305 viola reference photo added. |
1/9/2009 |
Software modified to add "Space for renting". |
1/8/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
1/8/2009 |
Front page modified by adding No.305 picture. |
1/8/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
1/8/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
2/2/2009 |
No.315's photo was uploaded and status was changed from starting to making. |
1/8/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
2/4/2009 |
Photos of No.314 and 315 were updated. |
1/8/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
2/5/2009 |
New photo of No.315 was uploaded. |
1/8/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
2/6/2009 |
photos of No.315 was updated. |
1/8/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
2/11/2009 |
photos of No.315 was updated. |
1/8/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
2/13/2009 |
photo of No.315 was updated. |
1/8/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
2/13/2009 |
Starus of violins no.316 - no.321 has been changed to making. |
1/8/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
2/17/2009 |
No.314's photos were updated and status was changed from making to varnishing. |
1/8/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
2/23/2009 |
photos of No.314 and 315 were updated |
1/8/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
3/2/2009 |
Photos of No.313 were updated, status were changed from making to varnishing. |
1/8/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
3/5/2009 |
photos of No.315 were updated |
1/8/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
3/19/2009 |
Photos of No.313 were updated, status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
1/8/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
4/14/2009 |
Photos of No.315 were updated, status were changed from making to varnishing. |
4/17/2009 |
An audio file is added to this site. |
4/14/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
4/22/2009 |
Photos of No.314 were updated, status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
4/29/2009 |
Photos of No.311 were updated, status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
5/13/2009 |
Reference for No.314 violin was added. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
6/3/2009 |
Starus of violin no.322 and 323 have been changed to making |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
6/6/2009 |
Uploaded photos of the two violins are for sale now, they were no.102 and 103 for the customer, but now numbered 324,and 325. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
6/16/2009 |
Photos of No.315 were updated, status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
6/19/2009 |
Photos of No.322 and 323 were updated. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
6/19/2009 |
No.316, 318, 319, and 321 photos uploaded. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
6/28/2009 |
No.317, 320 photos uploaded. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
7/9/2009 |
Photos of No.322 and 323 were updated. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
7/13/2009 |
Photos of No.322 and 323 were updated and status is varnishing now. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
7/16/2009 |
No.326-331 photos uploaded. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
8/7/2009 |
Photos of No.332 was uploaded. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
8/11/2009 |
No.326-331 photos updated. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
8/13/2009 |
No.323 violin's bow photo was uploaded. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
8/18/2009 |
Photos of No.322, 323 were updated, status were changed from varnishing to finished. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
9/10/2009 |
Photos of No.332 were updated. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
9/10/2009 |
Photos of No.333 was uploaded and status changed to making.. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
9/12/2009 |
No.326-331 photos updated, and status was changed to varnishing. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
9/27/2009 |
Photos of No.333 were updated. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
9/30/2009 |
Photos of No.334 were uploaded and status changed to making.. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
10/16/2009 |
Photos of No.332 and 333 were updated. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
10/23/2009 |
Photos of No.332 and 333 were uploaded and status changed to varnishing. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
11/18/2009 |
Photos of No.332 were updated, status were changed from varnishing to finished. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
11/19/2009 |
Photos of No.334 were updated. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
11/19/2009 |
Photos of No.326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331 were updated, status were changed from varnishing to finished. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
12/3/2009 |
No.332 reference added. |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
12/3/2009 |
Photos of No.333 and 334 updated |
4/17/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
12/4/2009 |
Photos of No.334 were uploaded and status changed to varnishing. |
12/9/2009 |
Order and admin pages modified to add more instrument models and varnsih type. |
12/4/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
12/13/2009 |
Photos of No.310, 333 were updated, status were changed from varnishing to finished. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
12/23/2009 |
Photos of No.335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340 were uploaded, status was changed from starting to making. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
12/26/2009 |
Photos of No.334 were updated, status were changed from varnishing to finished. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
1/8/2010 |
No.334 reference and photo are added. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
1/13/2010 |
Photos of No.336, 337, 338, 340 were updated. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
2/1/2010 |
Photos of No.335, 339 were updated. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
2/19/2010 |
Photos of No.341 was uploaded, status were changed from starting to making. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
2/24/2010 |
Photos of No.335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340 were updated |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
2/25/2010 |
Photos of No.335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340 were updated, status was changed from making to varnishing. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
3/17/2010 |
Reference of No.322 violin is added. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
4/9/2010 |
Photos of No.342 was uploaded, status was changed from starting to making. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
4/12/2010 |
Photos of No.341 was updated |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
4/12/2010 |
Photos of No.335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340 were updated, status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
4/14/2010 |
Photos of No.341 was updated |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
4/20/2010 |
Photos of No.343 was uploaded, status were changed from starting to making. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
4/29/2010 |
Photos on no.342 is updated. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
5/3/2010 |
Photos of No.341 and 342 were updated |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
5/4/2010 |
Photos of No.341, 342 were updated, status was changed from making to varnishing. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
5/17/2010 |
Photos of No.344 was uploaded, status were changed from starting to making. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
5/30/2010 |
Photos of No.341 were updated, status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
6/3/2010 |
Photos of No.343 were updated |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
6/7/2010 |
Photos of No.344 were updated |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
6/10/2010 |
Photos of No.345 was uploaded, status were changed from starting to making. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
6/18/2010 |
Photos of No.343 were updated |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
6/19/2010 |
Photos of No.343 were updated, status was changed from making to varnishing. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
6/22/2010 |
Photos of No.344 were updated |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
6/23/2010 |
Reference of No.341 violin with photos are added. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
6/26/2010 |
Photos of No.344 were updated |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
6/28/2010 |
Photos of No.342 were updated, status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
6/30/2010 |
Photos of No.345 were updated |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
7/2/2010 |
Photos of No.346 was uploaded, status were changed from starting to making. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
7/6/2010 |
Photos of No.344 and 345 were updated, status were changed from making to varnishing. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
7/17/2010 |
Photos of No.343 were updated, status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
7/19/2010 |
Photos of No.347 was uploaded, status were changed from starting to making. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
7/25/2010 |
Photos of No.346 were updated |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
8/2/2010 |
Photos of No.347 were updated |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
8/2/2010 |
Photos of No.344 were updated, status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
8/6/2010 |
Photos of No.345 were updated, status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
8/9/2010 |
Photos of No.348 was uploaded, status were changed from starting to making. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
8/10/2010 |
Photos of No.346 were updated. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
8/12/2010 |
Photos of No.346 and 347 were updated, status of no.346 was changed from making to varnishing. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
8/15/2010 |
Photos of No.347 were updated, status was changed from making to varnishing. |
12/9/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
8/23/2010 |
Photos of No.348 were updated. |
9/23/2009 |
Modified the link of to |
8/23/2010 |
NoNewRecord |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
9/26/2010 |
Photos of No.346 were updated, status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
9/26/2010 |
Photos of No.348 were updated. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
9/28/2010 |
Photos of No.349 - No.354 were uploaded, status were changed from starting to making. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
10/2/2010 |
Photos of No.348 were updated, status was changed from making to varnishing. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
10/8/2010 |
Photos of No.347 were updated, status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
10/29/2010 |
No.349,350 and 354 photos are updated. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
11/3/2010 |
Photos of No.348 were updated, status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
11/15/2010 |
No.351, 352 and 353 photos are updated. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
11/22/2010 |
No.349-354 photos are updated. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
11/23/2010 |
No.345 violin's reference was added. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
11/26/2010 |
Photos of No.349-354 were updated, status was changed from making to varnishing. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
11/30/2010 |
Photo of No.355 was uploaded, status was changed from starting to making. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
12/15/2010 |
A Photo of No.356 was uploaded, status was changed from starting to making. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
12/29/2010 |
No.355 and 356 photos are updated. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
1/9/2011 |
Photos of No.349-354 were updated, status were changed from varnishing to finished. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
1/10/2011 |
No.355 photos are updated. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
1/19/2011 |
No.356 photos are updated. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
1/30/2011 |
No.355 photos are updated. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
1/31/2011 |
Photos of No.355 were updated, status was changed from making to varnishing. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
2/1/2011 |
Photos of No.356 were updated, status was changed from making to varnishing. |
9/23/2009 |
NoNewRecord |
3/3/2011 |
Photos of No.355 were updated, status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
3/7/2011 |
Added no.278 violin's video to my website, modified the source code and uploaded the video. |
3/3/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
3/10/2011 |
No.357 violin's status changed to making. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
4/1/2011 |
No.358 and 359 photos uploaded, and status changed to making. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
4/14/2011 |
No.358 and 359 photos updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
4/19/2011 |
Photos of No.356 were updated, status was changed from varnishing to finished. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
5/7/2011 |
No.362-367 violins status changed from starting to making. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
5/7/2011 |
No.358 and 359 photos updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
5/15/2011 |
No.346 violin reference added. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
5/25/2011 |
No. 357, 358 and 359 violins photos updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
5/25/2011 |
No.360 violin's status changed to finished, and photos updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
6/7/2011 |
No.368 violin's status changed to making and photo uploaded. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
6/8/2011 |
No.361 cello's status changed to making and photos uploaded. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
6/18/2011 |
No.369 cello's status changed to making and photos uploaded. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
6/22/2011 |
No.362-367 violin's photos updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
6/22/2011 |
No.361 cello's photos updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
6/23/2011 |
No.368 violin's photos updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
6/24/2011 |
No.361 cello's photos updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
6/26/2011 |
No.361 cello's photos updated and status changed to varnishing. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
6/30/2011 |
No.370 violin status changed from starting to making. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
8/25/2011 |
No.362-367 and 368 violin's photos updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
8/25/2011 |
No.371 viola photos added, the status changed from starting to making. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
8/27/2011 |
No.369 cello photos updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
8/28/2011 |
No.368 violin photos updated and status changed to varnishing. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
9/10/2011 |
No.370 violin photo updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
9/10/2011 |
No.362-367 photos updated and status changed to varnishing. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
9/13/2011 |
No.357 violin is finished, photos are updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
9/14/2011 |
No.371's photo updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
9/19/2011 |
No.372 photo uploaded, and status changed to making. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
9/29/2011 |
No.373 photo uploaded, and status changed to making. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
10/3/2011 |
No.370 and 371 photos updated and status changed to varnishing. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
10/6/2011 |
No.358 and 359 are finished and status changed to finished, and photos updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
10/8/2011 |
No.372 photo updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
10/19/2011 |
No.373 photo updated, 374 and 375 photos uploaded and status changed to making. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
10/22/2011 |
No.294 photo as reference photo added. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
11/2/2011 |
No.362 to 367 violins status changed to finished, and photos updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
11/6/2011 |
No.368, 370 and 371 finished, and status changed to finished.Photos updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
11/14/2011 |
No.372,373,374 and 375 photos updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
11/11/2011 |
No.361 cello status changed to finished. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
11/28/2011 |
No.361 cello customer's reference added (in French) |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
12/1/2011 |
No.376 violin photo uploaded, and status changed to making. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
12/1/2011 |
No.361 cello reference photos added. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
12/3/2011 |
No.374 and 375 photos updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
12/14/2011 |
No.373 and 374 photos updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
12/31/2011 |
No.372 and 373 photos updated, and status changed to finished. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
1/7/2012 |
No.376 photo updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
1/10/2012 |
No.377 - No.382 photos uploaded and status changed from starting to making. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
1/11/2012 |
No.375 photos updated and status changed to finished. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
2/6/2012 |
No.376 photos updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
2/12/2012 |
No.376 violin photos updated. |
3/7/2011 |
NoNewRecord |
2/17/2012 |
374,375, 377,379,380,381,382 photos updated and no,374 status changed to finished. |
2/19/2012 |
Added insurance page for both English and Chinese. |
2/17/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/5/2012 |
no.376 photos updated |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/8/2012 |
No.376 violin is finished, and changed status to finished, also new photos updated. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/10/2012 |
No.380,381 and 382 violins photos updated. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/13/2012 |
No.383 photo updated. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/15/2012 |
No.377.378.379 photos updated. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
4/1/2012 |
No.384 violin photo uploaded and status changed to making. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
4/3/2012 |
no.383 violin photos updated. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
4/5/2012 |
No, 377-382 photos updated and status changed to varnishing. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
4/9/2012 |
No.383 violin photos updated and status changed to varnishing. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
4/15/2012 |
photo of no.384 violin uploaded. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
4/21/2012 |
Cello no.369 is now finished and photos are updated. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/8/2012 |
Violin no.384 photos updated. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/11/2012 |
No.385 violin photo uploaded and status changed to making. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/11/2012 |
no.383 violin photos updated and status changed to finished. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/22/2012 |
No.377 - 382 finished, statude changed to finished, and photos updated. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/22/2012 |
No.384 status changed to varnishing, and photos are updated. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/22/2012 |
no.383 finished. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/7/2012 |
No.385 violin photo updated. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/17/2012 |
No.385 photos are updated. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/21/2012 |
No.385 violin photos updated and status changed to varnishing. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/23/2012 |
No.369 cello was ordered by a customer from UK, but he can't play the cello anymore, then the cello sold to my existing customer from Finland,the status changed from for sale. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/23/2012 |
No.386 violin photo uploaded and status changed from starting to making. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/21/2012 |
No.386 violin photo uploaded. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/22/2012 |
no.387 violin photo uploaded and status changed to making. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/22/2012 |
no.384 and 385 violins are finished, photos updated. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/31/2012 |
Two violas made before now for sale, uploaded photos. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
9/22/2012 |
No.386 and 387 violins photos updated. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
9/26/2012 |
No.386 violin photos updated and status changed to varnishing. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
10/31/2012 |
No.386 violin is finished, photos updated, and status changed to finished. |
2/19/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
11/4/2012 |
No.387 violin photos updated. |
11/5/2012 |
Updated website to add my no.278 violin customer's website link and his audio for online listen or dowload. |
11/4/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
11/10/2012 |
No.387 violin photos updated and status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
11/11/2012 |
No.390 violin photo uploaded, and status chenged to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
11/25/2012 |
The no.390 photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
12/7/2012 |
No.391 violin photo uploaded |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
12/25/2012 |
No.392 violin photo uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
1/6/2013 |
Violin no.391 photo updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
1/8/2013 |
Violin no.387 is finished and status changed to finished, the photots are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
1/12/2013 |
no.390 violin photos updated, status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
1/25/2013 |
uploaded violin no.393 - 398 photos and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
1/25/2013 |
No.391 violin photos updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
2/8/2013 |
No.399 photo uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
2/16/2013 |
No.373 violin's reference added |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
2/18/2013 |
No.391 violin photos have been updated and status changed to varnishing |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
2/22/2013 |
No.400 violin photo is uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/6/2013 |
No.401 violin photo uploaded and status chaged to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/8/2013 |
Violin no.392 photo updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/14/2013 |
No.402 violin photo uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/22/2013 |
No.394 and 397 violins photos added. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/23/2013 |
No.391 violin is finished, photos updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/27/2013 |
No.390 violin photos updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/28/2013 |
No.392 violin photos updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
4/3/2013 |
no.392 violin photos updated and status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
4/3/2013 |
no.395 and no.398 violins photos updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
4/11/2013 |
No.370 violin reference added. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
4/11/2013 |
No.401 and 402 photos updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/10/2013 |
No,393-398,399 and 402 violins photos updated |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/11/2013 |
Violin no 400 and 401 photos updated |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/12/2013 |
No.399 violin photos updated and status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/13/2013 |
No.400 and 401 violins photos updated and status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/16/2013 |
No.402 violin photos updated and status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/20/2013 |
No.393-398 violins photos updated and status changed to varnshing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/1/2013 |
No.403 photo uploaded and status changed to making |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/5/2013 |
No.392 violin is finished and photos are updated, status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/12/2013 |
Violin no.399 is finished, status changed to finished and photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/13/2013 |
No.400 violin is finished, status changed to finished,photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/14/2013 |
No 401 violin is finished , status changed to finished, and photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/15/2013 |
No.402 violin is finished and status changed to finished, photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/27/2013 |
No.392 violin's reference added |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/13/2013 |
No.403 violin photo updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/27/2013 |
No.393-398 violins are finished, photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/7/2013 |
No.403 violin photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/10/2013 |
No.403 violin start to varnishing and photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/12/2013 |
No.404 and No.405 violins photos uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/28/2013 |
No.404 photo updated |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
9/1/2013 |
No.403 violin is finished, status changed to finished and photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
9/1/2013 |
No.405 violin photot is updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
9/4/2013 |
No.404 photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
9/17/2013 |
No.405 violin photos updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
10/10/2013 |
No.404 violins photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
10/13/2013 |
No.405 violins photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
11/20/2013 |
No.404 violin photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
12/1/2013 |
No.405 violin is finiahed, status changed to finished and photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
12/5/2013 |
No.406 violin status changed to making and photo is uploaded. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
12/21/2013 |
No.403 violin reference and photos are added. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
12/22/2013 |
No.406 violin photo updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
1/25/2014 |
No.407 violin photo is uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
2/17/2014 |
No.407 violin photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
2/27/2014 |
No.406 violin photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/1/2014 |
No.407 violin photo is updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/6/2014 |
No.407 violin photos updated and status changed to varnishing |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/23/2014 |
No.408 violin photo uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/31/2014 |
No.409 violin photo uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
4/7/2014 |
No.408 violin photo updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/15/2014 |
No.408 and 409 violins are updated with photos, status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/15/2014 |
No.408 and 409 violins photos are updated and status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/19/2014 |
No.410 and 411 cellos are done and photos are updated, status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/19/2014 |
No.414 viola photo is uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/3/2014 |
No.408 and 409 violins photos are updated and status changed to finished |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/3/2014 |
No.412 and 413 violins photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/4/2014 |
No.412 and 413 violins are finished, photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/14/2014 |
No.c_200 viola photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/19/2014 |
No.414 viola and no.415 violin photos are updated. and no.415 status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/27/2014 |
No c_200 viola photos are updated |
11/5/2012 |
jhjhj |
6/27/2014 |
hjh |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/30/2014 |
No.415 violin photo is updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/1/2014 |
c_202 violins and c_203 viola photos are updated and both status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/2/2014 |
No.416 violin photo is uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/11/2014 |
No.415 and 416 violins photos and c_207 mandolin photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/11/2014 |
No.409 violin reference and photos are uploaded. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/11/2014 |
c_208 violin photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/19/2014 |
c_207 mandolin photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/19/2014 |
No.417 violin and no.418 viola photos are uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/31/2014 |
No.415 and 416 violins photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/31/2014 |
No.c_200 viola photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/1/2014 |
No.c_207 mandolin status changed to varnishing and photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/2/2014 |
No.417 violin and 418 viola photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/2/2014 |
c_209 and c_210 violins photos uploaded and status changed to making |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/3/2014 |
No.419 violin photo is uploaded,and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/3/2014 |
No.417 violin and 418 viola photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/4/2014 |
c_209 and c_210 violins photos updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/10/2014 |
No. 423 violin neck photos are uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/13/2014 |
No.c_207 mandolin is finished, the status changed to finihsed and photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/13/2014 |
No.c_211 violins status changed to making and photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/15/2014 |
No.417 and 418 photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/18/2014 |
No.420 and 421 violins photos are uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/19/2014 |
No.423 violin neck replacement photos updated and status changed to finihsed. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/26/2014 |
No.419 violin photo is updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/26/2014 |
No.417 violin and 418 viola photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/28/2014 |
c_209,c_210 and c_211 violins photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
9/3/2014 |
No.420 and 421 violins photos are updated and no.422 violin photo is uploaded and status changed to making |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
9/5/2014 |
No.415 violin photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
9/5/2014 |
No.419 violin photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
9/19/2014 |
No.422 violin photo is updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
9/19/2014 |
No.420 and 421 violins photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
9/22/2014 |
No. c_212 and c_213 violins photos are uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
9/24/2014 |
No.416, 417 and 418 violins status changed to varnishing. No.424-431 status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
10/6/2014 |
No.422 violin photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
10/6/2014 |
No.419 violin photos are updated and status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
10/14/2014 |
No.416 violin photos are updated and status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
10/20/2014 |
No.418 viola photos are updated and status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
10/21/2014 |
c_212 and c_213 violins photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
10/25/2014 |
No.417 violin photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
10/29/2014 |
No.c_212 and c_213 violins photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
11/1/2014 |
No.426-431 white violins status changed to finished,no photos were taken. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
11/4/2014 |
No.420 and 421 photos are updated and status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
11/4/2014 |
No.422 photos are updated and status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
11/5/2014 |
No.419 violin photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
11/13/2014 |
No.416 violin photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
11/29/2014 |
No.421 and 422 violins photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
11/29/2014 |
No.417 and 418 violin and viola photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
11/29/2014 |
No.433 violin photo is uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
12/12/2014 |
No.424 and 425 ccellos photos uploaded and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
12/12/2014 |
No.433 violin photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
12/12/2014 |
No.420 violin photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
12/21/2014 |
No.433 violin photos are updated and status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
12/22/2014 |
c_212 and c_213 violins photos are updated and status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
12/22/2014 |
c_214 and c_215 violins photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
12/24/2014 |
No.434-Mo.441 violins and violas status changed to making, there are no photos uploaded. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
1/16/2015 |
No.442 violin photo is uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
1/28/2015 |
No.442 violin photo is updated |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
2/6/2015 |
no.443 violin photo is uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
2/17/2015 |
No.442, 443 and 433 violins photos are updated and No.433 status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/12/2015 |
No.443 violin photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/12/2015 |
No.444 viola photo is uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/18/2015 |
No.434-441 violins and violas photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/27/2015 |
c_212,c_213 and c_217 violins are finished, status changed to finished and photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/28/2015 |
No.444 viola photo is updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/28/2015 |
No.422 violin reference is added. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
4/3/2015 |
No.445 violin photos are uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
4/7/2015 |
No.442 and 443 violins photos are updated and status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
4/7/2015 |
No.444 viola and no.445 violin photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
4/11/2015 |
No.c_216 mandolins are finished and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
4/23/2015 |
no.c_218 violin photos are updated and status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
4/23/2015 |
No.445 violin photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
4/29/2015 |
c_218 violin is finished and photos are updated, status changed to fiished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/1/2015 |
No.446 violin photos are uploaded, and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/3/2015 |
No.447 violin photos are uploaded, and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/6/2015 |
No.442 violin photos updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/6/2015 |
No.446 and 447 violins photos updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/10/2015 |
No.444 viola and no.445 violin photos are updated and status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/11/2015 |
No.c_200 viola reference is added. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/13/2015 |
No.446 and 447 violins photos are updated and status of No.447 is changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/22/2015 |
No.448-453 violins status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/28/2015 |
No.443 violin's status changed to finished and photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/2/2015 |
No.447 violin reference is added. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/19/2015 |
No.454 cello photos are uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/23/2015 |
No.444 viola and bow are finished, status changed to finished and photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/3/2015 |
No.454 cello (in the white) is finished and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/7/2015 |
No.446 violin photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/9/2015 |
No.455 cello photo is uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/11/2015 |
No.442 violin reference is added. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/19/2015 |
No.445 violin photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/19/2015 |
No.448 - No.453 violins photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/22/2015 |
No.454 cello reference is added. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/22/2015 |
No.448 violin photos updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/6/2015 |
No.448 violin reference added. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/14/2015 |
Have uploaded woods photos for no.455 and 456 |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/19/2015 |
No.452 photos are updated and status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/19/2015 |
No.448 bow photo uploaded. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/21/2015 |
No.456 cello photos are updated and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/30/2015 |
No.456 cello photos updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/30/2015 |
No.455 viola photos uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
9/16/2015 |
No.456 cello photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
10/15/2015 |
No.456 cello is finished and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
11/15/2015 |
No.452 violin is finished and photos are updated, status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
11/15/2015 |
No.455 5 string violin is finished, photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
12/5/2015 |
No.449, 450, 451 and 453 violins photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
12/5/2015 |
No.457-462 violins photos updated and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
12/23/2015 |
No.463-468 violins photos updated and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
1/3/2016 |
No.457-462 violins are finished, status changed to finished and photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
1/3/2016 |
No.463-468 violins photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
1/3/2016 |
No.469, 470 and 471 violins photos are uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/8/2016 |
No.463-No.468 violins are finished, and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/12/2016 |
No.469 violin and bow are finished, status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/19/2016 |
No.470-No.471 violins photos are updated and status are changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/19/2016 |
No.472-No.477 violins and violas status are changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
3/25/2016 |
No.453 violin reference is added. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/22/2016 |
No.472 - No.477 violins and violas are finished, status are changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
5/22/2016 |
No.482,483 violins status are changed to making and photos are uploaded. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/2/2016 |
No.478 and 479 cellos status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/9/2016 |
No.485 violin photos are uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/15/2016 |
No 486 violin photo is uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/17/2016 |
No.485 violin's photo is updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
6/26/2016 |
No.485 violin photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/3/2016 |
No.486 violin photo is updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/17/2016 |
No.482, 483 violins status changed to finished, photos are not allowed to be posted here by the luthier customer. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
7/29/2016 |
Violins, violas and cellos no.472 to 479 Luthier customer from Austria reference is added. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/1/2016 |
No.486 violin photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/8/2016 |
No.485 violin photos are updated and status changed to varnishing. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/20/2016 |
No.480 and 481 violins photos are uploaded and status are changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
8/23/2016 |
No.485 violin is finished, photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
10/2/2016 |
No.486 violin varnishing is completed and after the fingerboard is dry, then to be setting up. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
10/8/2016 |
No.486 violin is finished, status is changed to finished and photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
11/1/2016 |
Two cellos no.478 and 479 are finished in the white, there are no photos are allowed to be publish on our website. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
11/16/2016 |
No.480 and 481 violins photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
12/3/2016 |
No.490, 491 and 492 violins photos are uploaded and status is changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
1/6/2017 |
No.497 violin photo is uploaded and status changed to making. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
1/11/2017 |
No.480,481 and 497 violins photos are updated. |
11/5/2012 |
NoNewRecord |
1/29/2017 |
No.497 violin photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
2/3/2017 |
No.487 to No.492 white violins are finished and photos updated and status changed to finished. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
2/5/2017 |
Violins number 493,494 and 495 phoptos are uploaded and status changed to making. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
2/11/2017 |
No.496 and 498 violins photos are uploaded and status are changed to making. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
2/16/2017 |
Violins number 480 and 481 photos have been updated, and sounds are tested, which are very top. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
2/17/2017 |
No.480 and 481 violins bows photos are uploaded. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
2/27/2017 |
No.480 and 481 violins photos are updated, the white violins are done, now to start varnishing. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
3/5/2017 |
No.498 violin photos updated and no.499 viola status changed to making and photo is uploaded. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
3/9/2017 |
No.498 violins photos are updated, very top sound and very beautiful looking. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
3/9/2017 |
No.499 viola photos are updated, very very top! |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
3/9/2017 |
No.496 violin photos are updated and status is changed to finished, this is a very top violin for a Luthier from the US. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
3/12/2017 |
Updated No.480 and 481 violins photos of varnishing, this applied the color. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
3/16/2017 |
No.493,494 and 495 violins photos are updated and status are changed to varnishing. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
3/16/2017 |
No.499 viola in the white is finished and status and photos are updated. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
3/22/2017 |
Uploaded No.500 cello photos and status changed to makinng, |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
3/30/2017 |
No.498 violin photos are updated and status changed to varnishing. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
3/30/2017 |
No.480 and 481 violins photos are updated and tested the sound, very top. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
4/6/2017 |
No.480 and 481 violins photos are updateds. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
4/6/2017 |
No.498 violin photos are updateds. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
4/6/2017 |
No.501 violin photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
4/6/2017 |
No.493,494 and 495 violins photos updated and status changed to finished. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
4/7/2017 |
No.500 cello photos are updated. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
4/14/2017 |
Updated No.500 cello photos, and tested the sound quality, which is very top. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
4/16/2017 |
No.502 violin photo is updated and status is changed to making. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
4/20/2017 |
No.480 and 481 violins photos are updated and status are changed to finished. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
4/20/2017 |
No.498 violin photos are updated and status is changed to finished. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
5/5/2017 |
Updated photos for No.503 bass violin, and tested the sound, very very top. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
5/18/2017 |
No.500 cello is finished and photos are updated, status is changed to finished. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
5/18/2017 |
No.484 violin photos are updated and status is changed to finished. |
1/29/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
5/22/2017 |
No.502 violin photos are updated, very nice violin. |
6/7/2017 |
Edited source code to add Viola - Archinto 1696 model in order form. |
5/22/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
6/7/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
6/10/2017 |
No.502 violin photos are updated and status changed to finished, we have tested the sound, it is very top! |
6/7/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
6/13/2017 |
Photos of No.503 bass violin have been updated and also No.504's photo has been uploaded and status changed to making. |
6/7/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
7/3/2017 |
Photos of No.503 bass violin are updated and tested sound, it is very very top. |
6/7/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
7/3/2017 |
Photos of No.505 cello are uploaded and status changed to making. |
6/7/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
7/3/2017 |
No.504 violin photos are updated and status is changed to finished. |
7/15/2017 |
Modified the page for cases. Removed the old cases photos and descriptions, and replaced by moden new popular cases - carbon fiber. |
7/3/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
7/16/2017 |
No.503 bass violin photos are updated, and status was changed to varnishing. |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
7/21/2017 |
No. 505 cello photos are updated and sound was tested, it is very very good! |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
7/30/2017 |
The bass violin 1/8 photos are updated, more varnish photos are looks very nice. |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
8/3/2017 |
No.505 cello photos are updated, the cello in the white is almost done, the sound is very very top after testing! |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
8/3/2017 |
No.506 and 507 violins are in progress, the top and back are in shape. |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
8/3/2017 |
No.508 cello maple and spruce are prepared, ready to start. |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
8/5/2017 |
Added reference of no.480 and 481 violins. |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
8/12/2017 |
No.505 cello is finished in the white, tested the sound quality before varnish,very very top!!! |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
8/26/2017 |
No.503 bass violin photos are updated, the varnish is finihsed and dry, looks very nice, the next step is settingup |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
8/30/2017 |
The 1/8 bass violin No.503 is finished, the sound is very very top, photos are updated and status is changed to finished. |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
9/5/2017 |
No.506 and 507 violins and No.508 cello are finished in the white for the master luthier in the US. |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
9/5/2017 |
No.505 cello photos updated and status changed to varnishing, the cello looks very nice now. |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
9/23/2017 |
No.503 bass violin customer's comments added, the customer will write a formal reference later. |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
9/23/2017 |
No.515, 516 and 517 violas photos are uploaded and status are changed to making. |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
10/2/2017 |
No.518 violin photo was uploaded and status was changed to making. |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
10/17/2017 |
No.518 violin photos are updated, looks very nice! |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
10/18/2017 |
The No.505 cello is finished and status changed to finished, and this cello is for sale, the reason please read the cello's info. |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
10/26/2017 |
James formal reference to No.503 bass violin is added. |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
10/29/2017 |
No.518 violin photos have been updated and the sound is tested again, very top sound! |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
11/2/2017 |
No.498 violin reference is added, so happy! |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
11/6/2017 |
Added more references of No.503 Bass Violin customer, James. |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
11/7/2017 |
No.520 photo is uploaded and status changed to making. |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
11/16/2017 |
No.520 violin photos updated, looks very nice! |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
12/2/2017 |
No.520 violin photos are updated, the purfling are done. |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
12/2/2017 |
No.519 viola photo is uploaded, very nice maple. |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
11/30/2017 |
No.518 violin photos updated and status changed to finished, tested the sound quality, which is very very top!!! |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
12/9/2017 |
No.520 violin photos are updated and tested the sound, very very top, the next step is to varnish. |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
12/9/2017 |
No.515, 516 and 517 violas in the white are finished, the status are changed to finished, but no photo is allowed to be published here. |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
12/16/2017 |
No.520 violin photos are updated and status changed to varnishing, the violin looks beautiful already! (not finished yet) |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
12/17/2017 |
No.521 and 522 violins photoso updated and status changed to finished.we had our first violinist played on the 2 violins, they both have very super sound quality! |
7/15/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
12/20/2017 |
No.519 viola photos are updated and sound is tested, very top! |
12/20/2017 |
Moved this link to here from another page of this site. |
12/20/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
12/20/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
12/28/2017 |
No.519 viola photos are updated, looks very nice and the sound is very top, the next is to varnish. |
12/20/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
1/8/2018 |
No.519 viola photos are updated and status is changed to varnishing, looks beautiful now! |
12/20/2017 |
NoNewRecord |
2/2/2018 |
Added photos of no.524 violin and no.525 viola, |
2/3/2018 |
Modified title page by changing words "Purely hand made" to "Full Hand Crafted", as this is better to describe our violins. |
2/2/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
2/3/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
2/6/2018 |
No.523 bass violin and no.524 violin photos have been updated, they look very nice! |
2/20/2018 |
Updated Bows pages in English and Chinese to add Master Guo's (our bow maker) information. |
2/6/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
2/20/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
2/25/2018 |
No.524 violin and no.525 viola photos are updated, they look great and sound is great! |
2/20/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
3/5/2018 |
No.523 basee violin photos are updated and tested the sound quality, again,this is very top. |
2/20/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
3/5/2018 |
No.524 violin and No.525 viola are finished, the photos are updated and status were changed to finished. |
2/20/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
3/14/2018 |
Lu has started to make the no.526 violin, the first step is to have the 4A grade Bosnian maple and spruce seleced, very top sound and very nice looking! |
2/20/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
3/15/2018 |
Removed No.529 and No.531, the two violin fake orders from Germany. |
2/20/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
3/18/2018 |
Violin bow order B_NTL0101 has been completed and the bow was tested by our first violinist,he said, wow, this is a very very top bow! |
3/22/2018 |
Add links of test play cello and violins that Lu made for our luthier customer from the US. |
3/18/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
3/28/2018 |
No 520 violin is finished and tested played by our first violinist, and the sound is very very top by the first violinist. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
3/31/2018 |
No.523 has being varnished now and status is changed to varnishing. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
4/5/2018 |
No.519 viola is done!beautiful varnish and finish, the sound is perfect top! |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
5/5/2018 |
No.532-537 violins photos are updated and status are changed to finished. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
5/5/2018 |
No.523 bass violin varnshing photos are updated, look very nice. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
5/21/2018 |
No.526 violin, No.527 and 528 cellos, No.529 violin and No.531 violin photos all updated. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
6/13/2018 |
Photos of violin No.526 and 531 have been updated and sounds were tested, again they are so beautiful! |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
6/25/2018 |
No.529 violin is finished, this is the white for the customer. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
7/3/2018 |
No.527 and 528 cellos are finished, photos have been updated and status are changed to finished. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
7/3/2018 |
No.526 and 531 violins are changed the status to varnishing, they look already very beautiful. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
7/3/2018 |
No.523 bass violin has been finished, photos are updated and status is changed to finished. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
7/6/2018 |
No.538 violin photo is updated and sound tested, very top! |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
7/15/2018 |
No.538 violin photos updated |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
7/29/2018 |
No.538 violin in the white is finished. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
8/3/2018 |
No.531 violin is finished, status changed to finished and photos are updated. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
8/30/2018 |
Added reference for viola and violin (No.519 and 520) from our customer of Sweden. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
9/2/2018 |
No.526 and 538 violins photos are updated,and status of no.538 has been changed to vanishing, they both look very nice! |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
9/2/2018 |
No.542 violin photos have been uploaded,this violin has very top sound quality! |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
9/8/2018 |
No.526 violin is finished, photos have been updated and status was changed to finished. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
9/23/2018 |
no.539 cello has been finished, this is for a Master Luthier from the US, the cello is in the white, and not 100% finished, the Master Luthier will finish some more details by himself. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
10/1/2018 |
Bow of order code B010 has been finished, the photo is uploaded, this is a very beautiful 14K gold fittings, top quality Brazilian Pernambuco wood stick bow. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
10/13/2018 |
No.540 violin and No.541 viola photos are updated and tested the sound again, all perfect! |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
10/13/2018 |
No.540 violin photo is updated, this shows that the purfling is done, looks beautiful. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
11/4/2018 |
No.541 viola photos are updated, the viola looks very beautiful, but not onlylooks beautiful, the sound teeted is very beautiful too! |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
11/18/2018 |
No 541 viola in the white is finished, the next step is to varnish. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
11/23/2018 |
Photos 540 violin, 541 viola and 543 violin have been updated, they all look very nice and beautiful and the sound is very top again. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
11/27/2018 |
No.540 violin varnish photos updated,it looks more beautiful now! |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
12/1/2018 |
No. 543 violin photos are updated, it looks very beautiful, and sound is very beautiful too. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
12/10/2018 |
No.541 viola photos have been updated and status has been changed to varnishing, it looks very beautiful now, and sound is very top too! |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
12/10/2018 |
No.540 violin photos are updated, and tested the sound again, it is very top! |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
12/10/2018 |
No.543 violin photos are updated, the violin in the white is finished, the next is to varnish. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
12/13/2018 |
No.538 violin and bow photos are updated and status changed to finished. |
3/22/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
12/26/2018 |
No.543 violin photos are updated and status is changed to varnishing, now it has been applied varnish and color, but not done yet, just becoming nicer looking. |
12/30/2018 |
Modified the pages, moved some information to the More Info page, and modified the head file, looks nicer. |
12/26/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
1/6/2019 |
Modified the English page, corrected some wording errors. |
12/26/2018 |
NoNewRecord |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
1/13/2019 |
Updated No.544 Bass violin photos, the top and back plates |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
1/20/2019 |
We have updated No.540 violin photos and uploaded the bow photo. |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
1/30/2019 |
Bass violin's photos have been updated, the bass violins are the instruments with very nice sound, anyone if interested in the music, please listen to the piece played by James with the bass violin. |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
2/12/2019 |
Added the reference from our No.539 cello customer, a master luthier from the USA. |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
2/17/2019 |
No.546 violin photos are uploaded and status changed to making. |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
2/20/2019 |
No.541 viola photos updated and status changed to finished. |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
3/31/2019 |
No.544 bass violin has been finished in the white, the next is to varnish. |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
3/31/2019 |
No.546 violin photos are updated, almost done in the white, a very nice sounding violin! |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
4/6/2019 |
No.546 violin photos have been updated,it looks very Beautiful now, of course, the sound is very top too! |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
4/10/2019 |
No.546 violin is finished in the white, and ready for varnsihing. |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
4/10/2019 |
No.543 violin, bow and case are ready, our first violinist has test played the violin, and he likes it very much, it has wonderful sound quality! |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
4/10/2019 |
No.550 viola is finished for our Master Luthier customer from the US, who is our repeat customer and loves our instruments very much. |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
4/13/2019 |
Added reference from our No.541 viola customer of Canada. |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
4/16/2019 |
Applied color to No.544 bass violin and No.546 violin, they both look beautiful! |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
5/10/2019 |
No.544 bass violin photos have been updated, it looks more beautiful! |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
5/29/2019 |
Updated photos for violin no.545, it looks very nice! |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
6/1/2019 |
No.546 violin photos and No.544 bass violin photos are updated and they both status changed to finished. |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
6/22/2019 |
No.551 viola and no.553 cello photos are updated, they are nearly done, look very nice now. |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
6/23/2019 |
No.547, 548 and 549 cellos status changed to finished. But no photo is allowed to be published here. |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
7/1/2019 |
Both no.551 viola and no.553 cello (5 string) have been done, the status have been changed to finished. |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
7/11/2019 |
No.545 violin in the white is finished, the status is changed to varnishing. |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
7/18/2019 |
No.545 bow's photo is uploaded, the bow is a Top quality 4/4 violin bow with 14K gold fittings. Very nice and top bow, master made. |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
7/18/2019 |
No.545 violin's varnishing photos are uploaded, looks very beautiful! |
1/6/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
8/2/2019 |
No.552 viola in the white is finished, status is changed to finished, with very beautiful sound quality! |
8/18/2019 |
Updated admin page for more details. |
8/2/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
8/19/2019 |
No.545 violin is finished. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
8/22/2019 |
No.559 violin photo updated, looks very beautiful. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
9/1/2019 |
No.559 violin photos are updated, has done the neck and ribs, looks very beautiful! |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
9/10/2019 |
No.558 violin photos are updated, it looks nicer! |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
9/16/2019 |
No.559 violin photos have been updated, the violin in the white is finished. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
9/16/2019 |
No.556 5-string cello will be started soon, this is for the Master luthier from the US again. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
9/26/2019 |
No.559 violin photos are updated and status is changed to varnishing. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
10/6/2019 |
No.558 violin is finished in the white, looks very beautiful, the next is to do the varnishing. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
10/6/2019 |
No.560 violin photo is updated, looks very nice. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
10/19/2019 |
No.559 violin is finished, photos are updated and status is changed to finished. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
10/21/2019 |
No.558 violin photos have been updated and status has been changed to varnishing. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
10/29/2019 |
No.560 violin photos are updated, the violin looks very nice, and we tested the sound, it is very top! |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
10/31/2019 |
No.556 5 string cello is done, the sound is very top, the customer is a master luthier with repeat order, he likes our instruments very much! |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
11/9/2019 |
No.560 violin photos are updated, status is changed to varnishing. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
11/9/2019 |
No.562 and 563 violas photos are updated and status are changed to making. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
12/5/2019 |
No.560 violin photos have been updated, it is being varnished, looks very beautiful now, and sound actually is very beautiful too. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
12/15/2019 |
No.562 and 563 violas have been done, they are so beautiful!, nice sounds and nice looking, both are very top. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
12/26/2019 |
No.558 violin has been finished, our first violinist played the violin and he likes it very much. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
1/16/2020 |
No.561 Bass Violin photos and No.557 Cello photos have been updated, they both look very beautiful! |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
1/23/2020 |
Added reference from Marin of Switzerland for his No.558 violin Guarneri 1742 model. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
2/3/2020 |
No.560 violin photos have been updated and status has been changed to finished. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
5/6/2020 |
No.554 cello is finished and status is changed to finished. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
5/18/2020 |
No.561 bass violin varnishing photos are updated, the instrument looks more beautiful now. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
5/23/2020 |
No.565 violin photos are updated, all have been tested, very top! |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
6/17/2020 |
No.557 cello is finished in the white, the next is to varnish. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
6/25/2020 |
No.565 white violin is finished, looks very beautiful, and sound is very top too. This is a white violin made for an Italian luthier. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
7/12/2020 |
No.557 cello is being varnished and photos are updated. The cello looks more nice now, and it will sound very top! |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
7/12/2020 |
No.561 bass violin is finished! and sound is very superb! very nice looking too. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
7/16/2020 |
Added: |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
7/28/2020 |
No.566 violin in the white photos have been updated, the violin looks very beautiful and sounds is very top!, that is why the customer repeat orders from us! |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
7/28/2020 |
No.567 and 568 violins photos are updated and status were changed to varnishing. They both looks very nice now! |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
7/28/2020 |
No.557 cello photos are updated, the color is done, looks very nice! |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
8/23/2020 |
No.566 white violin is finished, we have tested the sound, this is very super sound quality! This violin and No.565 violin both were made for the Italian Luthier, and the Itlian Luthier is our existing customer with repeat orders! |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
9/5/2020 |
Starting making No.564 violin, the photos are uploaded and status is changed to making. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
10/9/2020 |
No.564 violin photo updated, this looks very beautiful! |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
10/13/2020 |
No.557 cello is finished and status is changed to finished. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
10/13/2020 |
No 567 and 568 violins are finished and status were changed to finished, they are made for our dealer customer from Germany. very very beautiful sound quality! |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
10/26/2020 |
No.571 violin photos update are added, looks nicer! |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
11/12/2020 |
The bow, 14K gold, top quality Brazilian Pernambuco wood bow is done for the No.571 violin order. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
12/1/2020 |
No.564 and No.571 violins photos updated and look very nice, the sound we tested is very top. |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
12/1/2020 |
No.569 and 570 cellos in the white are finished, but they are not allowed to be posted photos, |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
1/11/2021 |
Both no.564 and 571 violins almost done in the white, they both photos have been updated, they both look very beautiful, the most important is that they both sound quality is very top!!! |
8/18/2019 |
NoNewRecord |
3/7/2021 |
No.564 and No.571 violins varnishing photos are updated, they look very beautiful! |
3/19/2021 |
Updated the software added Xu Lian Kun Master Luthier pages and his instruments. |
3/7/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
3/19/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
4/9/2021 |
Updated photos of Master Xu's 3 professional violins while status changed to varnishing. |
3/19/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
5/8/2021 |
No.564 and 571 violins are finished, photos are updated and status were changed to finished. |
3/19/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
5/8/2021 |
Starting to make the violins of No.574-577, they are for the master luthier from Canada! |
5/19/2021 |
Added videos for No.564 violin, please watch them on the Video page and then click on No.564 violin 7/8 size. |
5/8/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
5/20/2021 |
Added videos for No.564 violin on Chinese page. |
5/8/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
5/20/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
6/26/2021 |
The no. 572 and 573 cellos in the white are finished today, very top craftsmanship and top sound quality, the two cellos will be shipped to the Luthier from Ontario soon! |
5/20/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
7/1/2021 |
No.578 violin photos are updated, looks very nice now! We also tested the sound, sounds beautiful! |
7/9/2021 |
Modified both English and Chinese pages, to add new violin model which was supplied by our repeat order customer from Italy, the Vieuxtemps' Guarneri Del Gesu 1741 model with back 353mm and top 354mm |
7/1/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
7/9/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
8/15/2021 |
No.578 violin is finished and photos are updated, the sound is so beautiful! |
7/9/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
8/19/2021 |
No.579 violin photo is added, looks very beautiful! |
8/23/2021 |
Updated both English and Chinese pages, added No.278 violin video update. |
8/19/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
8/23/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
8/27/2021 |
Violin No.579 photo is updated, the violin looks very beautiful! and sound is very top too! |
8/23/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
9/19/2021 |
No 580 violin photos are updated but not allowed by the violin dealer in Australia to update them on our website, so I only updated the top plate photo and this is the last photo for the no.580 violin updates. |
8/23/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
9/23/2021 |
No.579 violin is being varnished now, the violin looks very nice! |
8/23/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
11/23/2021 |
No.579 violin was finished and photos are updated, the customer has received the violin and will write us a reference after Thanksgiving Holiday. |
8/23/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
1/24/2022 |
No.580 violin is finished, but no photos are allowed to be published on our website as the customer is our dealer from Australia. |
8/23/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
1/24/2022 |
No.581 photos updated and status changed to varnishing. |
8/23/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
3/27/2022 |
The no.581 cello photos are updated with Master Lu's photos with the cello, the status changed to finished, the sound is very very beautiful! |
8/23/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
4/14/2022 |
Just added updated photos for No.586 violin, looks very nice! |
8/23/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
4/21/2022 |
Added a reference sent from the Master Luthier customer from the US, who repeat order our instruments every year |
5/4/2021 |
Updated order page to add new viola model to be ordered, the first customer supplied us the plans. |
4/21/2022 |
NoNewRecord |
5/4/2021 |
NoNewRecord |
6/16/2022 |
updated no.586 violin photos and status changed to varnishing |
NoNewRecord |
9/12/2022 |
No.588 violin photos are updated, they are the top and back plates are being made, look very nice |
NoNewRecord |
10/6/2022 |
updated no.588 violin photo, it almost done in the white, looks very nice, and we tested the sound again, very top. |
NoNewRecord |
10/6/2022 |
Changed the status to finished for the no.586 violin, I forgot to change it and actually the customer already received the violin, very happy, and he is playing it now everyday. |
NoNewRecord |
10/22/2022 |
Added reference from the customer who ordered No.586 violin. |
NoNewRecord |
10/27/2022 |
Updated photos for no.588 violin, this was just applied color, it looks very nice, and the customer already likes it very much: |
NoNewRecord |
12/23/2022 |
Master Lu has finished the no.588 violin and the 3 violins in the white for our Master Luthier customer from Austria. |
NoNewRecord |
12/23/2022 |
Added reference from the customer who ordered our Advanced Student Cello: |
NoNewRecord |
12/30/2022 |
Added reference and photos of No.588 violin by our customer Cameron Fruit from Platteville of the US |
NoNewRecord |
4/6/2023 |
The no,594 cello in the white in done, this is for the Master Luthier from the US, we can't post too many photos here, so you can look at the front view photo, it looks very nice. |
NoNewRecord |
6/1/2023 |
The no.593 viola photos and no.595 violin photos are updated |
8/10/2023 |
Updated the video and audio page to add one video and two audios played by our previous customers: |
NoNewRecord |
NoNewRecord |
9/8/2023 |
We have finished the violin no.595 for the violinist from China, and waiting for the customer's feedback after palying. The customer also ordered our top quality Brazilian Pernambuco wood bow and carbon fiber case. Very happy to communicate with the customer for all matters. |
NoNewRecord |
10/30/2023 |
The No.596 and 597 violas are done, they are the Master Luthier designed violas. |
NoNewRecord |
1/20/2024 |
The no.598 violin is finished in the white, the sound is very top perfect! |
2/8/2024 |
Added some brief introduction to Lu QIng's instruments in both en and zh at first page. |
NoNewRecord |
NoNewRecord |
2/10/2024 |
No.598 and 599 violins in the white are finished, they are made for our new luthier customer from Australia. |
NoNewRecord |
2/17/2024 |
added new reference from customer of China who ordered no.595 violin and bow |
NoNewRecord |
3/7/2024 |
Our Master Lu is working on to make the cello in the white for our Master Luthier customer from the US, the customer is with us for alomost 30 years, about when we started online business sinze 1995, and he is very happy with Lu's instruments and our services. |
NoNewRecord |
3/21/2024 |
We have just uploaded a updated photo for no.555 cello, the top plate, Master Lu has done some on the top plate, we are not going to upload more photos as the request from the Master Luthier customer. |
NoNewRecord |
5/9/2024 |
The no.555 cello in the white arrived in the US soon be in the Master Luthier's hand! |
6/5/2024 |
Added 100% Full Carbon Fiber Violins page in English and Chinese. |
NoNewRecord |
6/10/2024 |
Added Viola - Antonio Stradivari Gustav Mahler 1672 model in ordering page. |
NoNewRecord |
NoNewRecord |
6/14/2024 |
No.602 cello in the white is finsihed and no more photos can be uploaded |
NoNewRecord |
8/13/2024 |
The no.603 viola is done now, this is for our new customer from Sweden. |
NoNewRecord |
12/21/2024 |
We have uploaded some photos of violin no.606, this violin is to be made with 4A grade Bosinian maple and spruce. |
NoNewRecord |
1/3/2025 |
Just updated photos of violin no.606, it looks very beautiful, Master Lu tests sound during making, to ensure that the sound is what the customer requires. |
NoNewRecord |
1/21/2025 |
We have updated photos of violin no.606 |
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